An Unforgettable Experience

Regensburg Experience - Where History Meets Technology
A key to exeriencing a unique city, an experience in three spaces

Thank you for a lovely day in an unforgettable City and Julian as a tourist guide. (New York City) • Thank you. We enjoyed it very much. Continued success. (Toronto, Canada) • Enjoyed the exhibit, it was wonderful. (USA) • Thank you for an informative and enlightening overview of Regensburg. (South Africa)  • A very, very interesting and insightful experience. Glad that we stopped by and will tell my friends about it. Thanks a lot. (USA)

REX 2007
July 1 - 30 September 30

Multimedia Exhibition at the Museum Obermünster
Interactive media - 3D animation - "REXband" Computer supported interactive music exhibit) - Photo studio: Dress as a medieval noble person - Photo exhibtion - Giant aerial photograph  1:500 - Video cinema - Film projection also in English. 
The world's first mobile city game: REXplorer
Web Blog for the REXplorer participants

The Regensburg Experience is a private, non-for profit initiative of Regensburg media producer Dr. Julien K. Biere and designer Brigitte Weidmann. An English version of the Web Portal is in preparation. For information on the 2008 edition of REX please contact

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